Fishing News Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

19 April 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 6.40 pm<br>DICK DID IT<br><br>The english angler - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 6.40 pm

The english angler

19 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 6.40 pmDICK DID ITThe english angler Dick Peckham, who fished today aboard the Cavalier, had this morning the fishing trip of his... read more »

Puerto Rico 9.30 p.m<br>MORE SNAPPERS<br><br>The last two days - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 9.30 p.m

The last two days

18 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 9.30 p.mMORE SNAPPERSThe last two days the catches of the boats were more or less the same than these of last week.The trolling boats... read more »

Puerto Rico 9.30 p.m<br>WAHOO<br><br>The White Marlin was trolling - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 9.30 p.m

The White Marlin was trolling

16 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 9.30 p.mWAHOOThe White Marlin was trolling today and caught some good sized Skipjacks and a 13 kilo Wahoo.The sportfishermen aboard the... read more »

Puerto Rico 5.15 p.m<br>RED SNAPPER DAY<br><br>Oh my God, what - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 5.15 p.m

Oh my God, what

15 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 5.15 p.mRED SNAPPER DAYOh my God, what a great fishingtrip today on the Blue Marlin 3.Yesterday there were caught 15 Red Snappers, but... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

15 April 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 11.45 pm<br>NEW BOATRECORD<br><br>Today the boats - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 11.45 pm

Today the boats

14 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 11.45 pmNEW BOATRECORDToday the boats were trolling and reef fishing and they caught all plenty of fish.The White Marlin and the Cavalier... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

14 April 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 5.30 p.m<br>PART CHARTER<br><br>Blue Marlin 3 was - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 5.30 p.m

Blue Marlin 3 was

13 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 5.30 p.mPART CHARTERBlue Marlin 3 was this morning the only boat which left the harbour.The boat was booked for a Part Charter.On the... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

13 April 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 11.00 p.m<br>SKIPJACK TUNA`S<br><br>Because of the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 11.00 p.m

Because of the

12 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 11.00 p.mSKIPJACK TUNA`SBecause of the hard wind from last week and because we were also 48 hours disconnected by the internet, this was... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

12 April 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 8.00 p.m.<br>HARD WIND<br><br>Because of the hard - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 8.00 p.m.

Because of the hard

9 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 8.00 p.m.HARD WINDBecause of the hard wind all trips have cancelled... read more »

Puerto Rico 5.45 p.m.<br>WINDY<br><br>Today we had a hard wind, - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 5.45 p.m.

Today we had a hard wind,

7 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 5.45 p.m.WINDYToday we had a hard wind, so we could only use very heavy weights, what resulted again in bad catches.On the Blue Marlin 3... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.15 o`clock<br>LIGHT TACKLE<br><br>The snappers - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.15 o`clock

The snappers

5 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.15 o`clockLIGHT TACKLEThe snappers were not really big today but with very light spinning rods we had a great sport.We fished on the... read more »

Puerto Rico - 16.30 o`clockWELCOME BACK`Welcome - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 16.30 o`clockWELCOME BACK`Welcome

2 April 2008 - Puerto Rico - 16.30 o`clock WELCOME BACK `Welcome Back` we say today to the English angler Alan Knox. Alan caught last week stiil a nice Common... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock<br>NICE CATCHES<br><br>Today, all - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock

Today, all

1 April 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clockNICE CATCHESToday, all the boats had very good catches today.Our `Photo of the Day` goes to 3 fishermen who fished this... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clock<br>SKIPJACK TUNA<br><br>Today the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clock

Today the

31 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clockSKIPJACK TUNAToday the Blue Marlin 3 was booked as a Part- Charter (see: Our Fishing Trips)On this trip, to give the... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

31 March 2008 - ... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

29 March 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clock<br>NEW BOATRECORD<br><br>Today there - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clock

Today there

29 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clockNEW BOATRECORDToday there was caught on the Blue Marlin 3 a New Boatrecord for the Atlantic Mackerel.This `record`... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock<br>BARRACUDA`S<br><br>The last two - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock

The last two

28 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clockBARRACUDA`SThe last two fishing days we did some nice catches.So were caught on the Blue Marlin 3 a big Duckbill Ray and... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clock<br>ATLANTIC BONITO<br><br>Today, the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clock

Today, the

26 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clockATLANTIC BONITOToday, the honor to be our: Photo of the Day goes to Mr Jenkins from Wales with the catch of a good sized... read more »

Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clock<br>17.8 KILO TOPE<br><br>After some - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clock

After some

25 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clock17.8 KILO TOPEAfter some bad trolling days, we fished today on the Puerto Rico reef.The fishing was okay and the guests on... read more »

Puerto Rico 20.30 o`clock

Yesterday but also

24 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 20.30 o`clockSHITYesterday but also today, the boats Blue Marlin 3 and Cavalier were both trolling.In these two days we saw plenty of... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

22 March 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clock<br>TROLLING<br><br>Today our clients - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clock

Today our clients

22 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clockTROLLINGToday our clients Kees and Monique from Holland were back again aboard the Cavalier.On this trip they went out for... read more »

Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clock<br>SUNNY & 27 DEGREES<br><br>Today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clock


21 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clockSUNNY & 27 DEGREESToday we had a lovely day out on the sea. Sunny, 27 degrees, no wind and lots of fish. Our - Photo of... read more »

Puerto Rico - 19.45 o`clock<br>GOOD CATCHES<br><br>There has - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 19.45 o`clock

There has

20 March 2008 - Puerto Rico - 19.45 o`clockGOOD CATCHESThere has been fished two trips today and on both trips the catches were to satisfaction.Our Photo of the Day... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.30 uur<br>PART-CHARTER<br><br>The Blue Marlin - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.30 uur

The Blue Marlin

19 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.30 uurPART-CHARTERThe Blue Marlin 3 was today booked for a Part-Charter. On the Part Charter, Blue Marlin 3 will be fishing a maximum... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

19 March 2008 - ... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

17 March 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock<br>RAY DAY<br><br>It's better to have - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock

It's better to have

17 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clockRAY DAYIt's better to have a Ray Day then a Rainy Ray.Today there were caught on the Blue Marlin 3 and on the Cavalier,... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.15 o`clock<br>SKIPJACK TUNA`S<br><br>Today the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.15 o`clock

Today the

15 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.15 o`clockSKIPJACK TUNA`SToday the boats had very good results with the trolling and also with the reef fishing.The anglers on the... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

15 March 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock<br>GOOD CATCHES<br><br>The last days, - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock

The last days,

14 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clockGOOD CATCHESThe last days, our boats here in Puerto Rico had good catches.The bottom fishing on the reef brought nice Red... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clock<br>SNAPPER FESTIVAL<br><br>Yesterday - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clock


10 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clockSNAPPER FESTIVALYesterday and also today the boats were very succesfull with the fishing for Red Snappers.Only on the Blue... read more »

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock<br>REEF FISHING<br><br>It was today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock

It was today

8 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clockREEF FISHINGIt was today the boat Blue Marlin 3 who fished with 3 Swedish guests on the reef of Puerto Rico.They did very... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.30 o`clock<br>RED SNAPPERS<br><br>The catches - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.30 o`clock

The catches

7 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.30 o`clockRED SNAPPERSThe catches during the last days,on the 50 meter reefs, were okay.It were the boats Blue Marlin 3 and Cavalier... read more »

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock<br>ATLANTIC BONITO`S<br><br>Today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock


6 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clockATLANTIC BONITO`SToday the boats had great catches of Atlantic Bonito.Klaas Westerhof caught a good sized one today on the... read more »

07/01 - AMBERJACKS!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

07/01 - AMBERJACKS!!

7 January 2025 - Great day jigging today onboard the Cavalier! Big amberjacks have been caught on both trips while jigging!! For jigging small groups are needed, maximum 4 people, perfect for private... read more »

05/01 - NICE START OF THE YEAR!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria


5 January 2025 - Some good action the first week of the year by catching skipjack tuna, barracuda’s and breamfish with light material! Visit our Hall of Fame to see the latest catches. And our Facebook site:... read more »

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