Fishing News Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock<br>BIG RAYS<br><br>In spite of the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock

In spite of the

5 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clockBIG RAYSIn spite of the hard wind today the captures did not disappoint.Jan Lievense was fishing today with some friends... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock<br>NO CHANGINGS<br><br>The catches - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock

The catches

3 March 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clockNO CHANGINGSThe catches in these first days of March were like the days before.The boats are catching lots of Snappers,... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock<br>MODERATE CATCHES<br><br>The last - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock

The last

29 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clockMODERATE CATCHESThe last two days of February, we had moderate catches.Yesterday the clients caught some small Snappers,... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.45 o`clock<br>REEF FISHING<br><br>The last days - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.45 o`clock

The last days

27 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.45 o`clockREEF FISHINGThe last days the boats were trolling and caught on this way the first Skipjack Tuna's of 2008.But the catches... read more »

Puerto Rico 22.00 o`clock<br>SEEFISH TEAM<br><br>Today we had - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 22.00 o`clock

Today we had

25 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 22.00 o`clockSEEFISH TEAMToday we had aboard the Blue Marlin 3, the fishing team of Seefish Hengelsport from Holland.That these guys... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clock<br>TROLLING<br><br>It were the boats - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clock

It were the boats

24 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clockTROLLINGIt were the boats White Marlin and Cavalier who left this morning the harbour for a day trolling fishing.On the... read more »

Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clock<br>SKIPJACK TUNA<br><br>One of the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clock

One of the

23 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clockSKIPJACK TUNAOne of the first Skipjack Tuna's of 2008 was today caught on the boat Cavalier.It was directly a good sized... read more »

Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clock<br>RAINY<br><br>Five Norwegian anglers - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clock

Five Norwegian anglers

22 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clockRAINYFive Norwegian anglers had today on the Blue Marlin 3 an excelent fishing day.On a rainy day these fishermen caught... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clock<br>AND AGAIN<br><br>This morning the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clock

This morning the

20 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.15 o`clockAND AGAINThis morning the fishing was quiet. The clients caught 2 nice Octopus and 5 Red Snappers.Welcome back to Mt... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.45 o`clock<br>BARRACUDA`S<br><br>Our Photo of - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.45 o`clock

Our Photo of

19 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.45 o`clockBARRACUDA`SOur Photo of the Day is today for the anglers Martin Torkington from England and for the Danish fisherman... read more »

Puerto Rico 20.30 o`clock<br>THE SHOW GOES ON<br><br>The Blue - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 20.30 o`clock

The Blue

18 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 20.30 o`clockTHE SHOW GOES ONThe Blue Marlin 3 fished two trips today. On both trips the guest were very succesful and there were caught... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clock<br>GREAT CATCH<br><br>Normal Sunday's, - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clock

Normal Sunday's,

17 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clockGREAT CATCHNormal Sunday's, the crew has their day off.Because off the `great` catches we had last week, we tried also... read more »

Puerto Rico 17.45 o`clock<br>RED SNAPPERS<br><br>Today we had - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.45 o`clock

Today we had

16 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 17.45 o`clockRED SNAPPERSToday we had a sunny and windless day and also the catches were really `Great`.Sometimes you have fishingdays... read more »

Puerto Rico 20.30 o`clock<br>NICE CATCH<br><br>Today we had - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 20.30 o`clock

Today we had

15 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 20.30 o`clockNICE CATCHToday we had a great fishing day with very good catches.Henning Risbjerg from Denmark fished today on the... read more »

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock<br>RAYS<br><br>This morning we had - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clock

This morning we had

14 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 17.30 o`clockRAYSThis morning we had a hard wind,so the most boats were fishing close the coast.There were caught different species of... read more »

Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clock<br>BLUE MARLIN<br><br>Last week, by - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clock

Last week, by

13 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clockBLUE MARLINLast week, by the island of Tenerife, about 50 miles away from here, one of the boats caught the first blue... read more »

Puerto Rico 16.00 o`clock<br>ROUND STINGRAY<br><br>Today is - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 16.00 o`clock

Today is

12 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 16.00 o`clockROUND STINGRAYToday is the Dutch angler Jan Pannekoek, with the catch of a Round Stingray, our Photo of the Day.Jan had... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock<br>RED SNAPPERS<br><br>After our `rainy` - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock

After our `rainy`

11 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clockRED SNAPPERSAfter our `rainy` day off, today the weather was like before. Sunny and no wind at all.We fished on the 50... read more »

Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clock<br>RAINY<br><br>Today we had our first - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clock

Today we had our first

9 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clockRAINYToday we had our first rainy day in 2008.This was the reason that the most sportfishing boats stayed in the harbour.It... read more »

Puerto Rico 17.00 o`clock<br>REEF FISHING<br><br>This morning - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.00 o`clock

This morning

7 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 17.00 o`clockREEF FISHINGThis morning we left at 9 a.m the harbour of Puerto Rico and we fished again on the 54 meters reef in the front... read more »

Puerto Rico 21.30 o`clock<br>LIGHT TACKLE<br><br>Today we had - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 21.30 o`clock

Today we had

6 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 21.30 o`clockLIGHT TACKLEToday we had a fishing trip for the really keen fishermen.Take a Shimano Crucial spinning rod with a Shimano... read more »

Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clock<br>ANGELSHARKS<br><br>They caught - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clock

They caught

5 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clockANGELSHARKSThey caught these fishes today on 3 boats boats. I`m talking about the Angelshark.Our Photo of the Day is today... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clock<br>SUNNY & NO WIND<br><br>With a temperature - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clock

With a temperature

4 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.00 o`clockSUNNY & NO WINDWith a temperature of 25 degrees Celcius+ and a small breeze we had today a perfect fishing day.On the... read more »

Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clock<br>GOOD START<br><br>February had - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clock

February had

2 February 2008 - Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clockGOOD STARTFebruary had a good start.Yesterday and also today the boats had good catches.John Ryan, who fished yesterday... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.45 o`clock<br>NEW BOATRECORD<br><br>On 26/01 - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.45 o`clock

On 26/01

31 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.45 o`clockNEW BOATRECORDOn 26/01 we had a record improvement of the North Atlantic Bonito.But today we have a total New Boat... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.30 o`clock<br>AMBERJACKS<br><br>Last night we - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.30 o`clock

Last night we

29 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.30 o`clockAMBERJACKSLast night we tried to catch them on a special Jigging Charter and couldn't find them.Today the White Marlin... read more »

Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clock<br>ROUDI ESCOLAR<br><br>After some - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clock

After some

28 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clockROUDI ESCOLARAfter some windy days the weather today was calm again.I was guest today, with some Dutch friends, aboard the... read more »

Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clock<br>NEW BOATRECORD<br><br>Today we - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clock

Today we

26 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 19.30 o`clockNEW BOATRECORDToday we had `renewed` the boat record of the North Atlantic Bonito.It was the Dutch angler Ferdinand de... read more »

Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clock<br>SWEDISH PARTY<br><br>A Swedish - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clock

A Swedish

25 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clockSWEDISH PARTYA Swedish party on the Cavalier today, because all the fish here was caught by Swedish anglers.Kai... read more »

Puerto Rico 17.00 o`clock<br>BRIGHT WATER<br><br>Yesterday we - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17.00 o`clock

Yesterday we

24 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 17.00 o`clockBRIGHT WATERYesterday we caught only Rays.After the storm of last week the water was very dirty. Today the water was bright... read more »

Puerto Rico - 20.45 o`clock<br>BIG RAYS<br> <br>Fish in troubled - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 20.45 o`clock

Fish in troubled

23 January 2008 - Puerto Rico - 20.45 o`clockBIG RAYS Fish in troubled water, that's why the clients caught today lots of good sized Rays.After our day off last... read more »

Puerto Rico - 9 a.m. o`clock<br>WINDY WEATHER<br><br>Because - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 9 a.m. o`clock


22 January 2008 - Puerto Rico - 9 a.m. o`clockWINDY WEATHERBecause of the hard wind we have cancelled also today all our fishing... read more »

Puerto Rico - 19.00 o`clock<br>WINDY WEATHER<br><br>Because - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 19.00 o`clock


21 January 2008 - Puerto Rico - 19.00 o`clockWINDY WEATHERBecause of the hard wind we have cancelled today all our fish... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.30 0`clock<br>SCANDINAVIA<br><br>All the guest - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.30 0`clock

All the guest

19 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.30 0`clockSCANDINAVIAAll the guest who fished today on the boat Cavalier came from Scandinavia.Frank Solomose from Denmark is today... read more »

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock<br>NIGHT FISHING<br><br>Last night - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clock

Last night

19 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 18.00 o`clockNIGHT FISHINGLast night the boat Cavalier was chartered by 4 Dutch anglers.They tried to catch with light tackle and live... read more »

Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clock<br>SHORE FISHING<br><br>The catches - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clock

The catches

18 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 16.30 o`clockSHORE FISHINGThe catches on the boats today, were more or less the same than the catches of yesterday.A good reason to give... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

18 January 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico - 23.00 o`clock<br>WINDY<br><br>Today we had a strong - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 23.00 o`clock

Today we had a strong

17 January 2008 - Puerto Rico - 23.00 o`clockWINDYToday we had a strong wind from the North East.The boats caught some nice North Atlantic Bonito's, Red Snappers,... read more »

Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clock<br>AMBERJACK<br><br>Good catches today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clock

Good catches today

16 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clockAMBERJACKGood catches today on the boat White Marlin which boat fished on the deep reef.There were caught different Reef... read more »

Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clock<br>RAY DAY<br><br>Today the boats - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clock

Today the boats

15 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 20.00 o`clockRAY DAYToday the boats did very good catches.The Rays were very hungry today, so also the Angelsharks.Only on the Cavalier... read more »

07/01 - AMBERJACKS!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

07/01 - AMBERJACKS!!

7 January 2025 - Great day jigging today onboard the Cavalier! Big amberjacks have been caught on both trips while jigging!! For jigging small groups are needed, maximum 4 people, perfect for private... read more »

05/01 - NICE START OF THE YEAR!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria


5 January 2025 - Some good action the first week of the year by catching skipjack tuna, barracuda’s and breamfish with light material! Visit our Hall of Fame to see the latest catches. And our Facebook site:... read more »

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