Fishing News Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clock<br>GOOD CATCHES<br><br>Today we had - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clock

Today we had

14 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 23.00 o`clockGOOD CATCHESToday we had a great start of our new fishing week.All boats were very succesful and caught different species... read more »

Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clock<br>WINDY<br><br>The last two days - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clock

The last two days

12 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 22.30 o`clockWINDYThe last two days it was very windy on the south coast of Gran CanariaMaybe this was the reason that the fishing... read more »

Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clock<br>ANGELSHARKS<br><br>It was the Finnish - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clock

It was the Finnish

10 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 21.00 o`clockANGELSHARKSIt was the Finnish angler Unto Konnkoinen, who caught today a nice Angelshark.But also Dean Corthorn (photo of... read more »

Puerto Rico 16.20 o`clock<br>REEF FISHING<br><br>The best fishing - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 16.20 o`clock

The best fishing

9 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 16.20 o`clockREEF FISHINGThe best fishing results today were on the Cavalier.On this boat, it were the anglers Rickard Andersson from... read more »

Puerto Rico 8 January 22.00 o`clock<br>CALAMARA<br><br>Also - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 8 January 22.00 o`clock


8 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 8 January 22.00 o`clockCALAMARAAlso today the catches were okay.Pavel Calderon fished aboard the Cavalier and caught this morning a 115... read more »

Puerto Rico 7 January 22.00 0`clock<br>AMAZING DAY<br><br>Today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 7 January 22.00 0`clock


7 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 7 January 22.00 0`clockAMAZING DAYToday it was really an amazing day for all the fishing boats.First of all, the boat White Marlin,... read more »

Puerto Rico 6 January 8.00 a.m <br>WINNER 2007<br><br>Through - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 6 January 8.00 a.m


6 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 6 January 8.00 a.m WINNER 2007Through draw this morning is called out Mr H Dingemanse from Holland as Winner of our Web Quiz 2007.Mr... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

6 January 2008 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico 5 January 20.00 o`clock<br>RED SNAPPERS<br><br>Moderate - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 5 January 20.00 o`clock


5 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 5 January 20.00 o`clockRED SNAPPERSModerate to rather heavy scattered rain/thundershowers have occurred last night over Gran... read more »

Puerto Rico 04 January 19.30 o`clock


4 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 04 January 19.30 o`clockBULL SHITSport fishing is a strange sport.Yesterday I wrote that all boats had done well and that the most of... read more »

Puerto Rico 03 Janaury 6.00 o`clock


3 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 03 Janaury 6.00 o`clockSUPER CATCHESToday the Cavalier was chartered by our Danish clients Sven Erik Taenj & friends.They had a... read more »

Puerto Rico 2 January 22.00 o`clock<br>REEF FISHING<br><br>Today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 2 January 22.00 o`clock


2 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 2 January 22.00 o`clockREEF FISHINGToday it were the boats Cavalier and the Blue Marlin 3 which had the best fishing results.The clients... read more »

Puerto Rico 01 Janaury 03.00 pm<br>WEBQUIZ WINNER<br><br>Our - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 01 Janaury 03.00 pm


1 January 2008 - Puerto Rico 01 Janaury 03.00 pmWEBQUIZ WINNEROur monthly Webquiz Winner of December 2007 is Carl Olsen from Sweden.Carl has won a FREE fishing trip... read more »

Puerto Rico - 01 January 8.00 am<br>HAPPY NEW YEAR<br><br>First - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 01 January 8.00 am


1 January 2008 - Puerto Rico - 01 January 8.00 amHAPPY NEW YEARFirst of all we wish all our clients a very prosperous new year.We are still having some problems with... read more »

Puerto Rico 30 december

Because we have some small

30 December 2007 - Puerto Rico 30 decemberBecause we have some small problems with our server it can be that this website will give some errors.We try to fix the plight... read more »


During the month December, I will be with

1 December 2007 - DecemberDuring the month December, I will be with my wife on holiday.For this reason I will update this website only once a week.Our boats will have... read more »

Puerto Rico 27 November 7.30 pm<br>RAYS<br><br>The anglers on - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 27 November 7.30 pm

The anglers on

27 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 27 November 7.30 pmRAYSThe anglers on the Cavalier were really very busy today.They caught together more than 30 kilo Common Seabreams.... read more »

Puerto Rico 26 November 5.45 pm<br>ATLANTIC BONITOS<br><br>Also - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 26 November 5.45 pm


26 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 26 November 5.45 pmATLANTIC BONITOSAlso today the Atlantic Bonitos were there.Some nice and good sized ones were caught today on the boat... read more »

Puerto Rico 25 November 8.15 <br>GARFISHES<br><br>Yesterday - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 25 November 8.15


25 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 25 November 8.15 GARFISHESYesterday morning, it were the boats Cavalier and Blue Marlin 3 which left the harbour of Puerto Rico.The White... read more »

Puerto Rico 23 November 9.30 pm<br>WAHOO<br><br>On the Blue - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 23 November 9.30 pm

On the Blue

23 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 23 November 9.30 pmWAHOOOn the Blue Marlin 3 as on the Cavalier the clients caught today different Atlantic Bonito's.Sander Martens from... read more »

Puerto Rico 23 November 7.45 pmSHORE FISHINGLast - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 23 November 7.45 pmSHORE FISHINGLast

23 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 23 November 7.45 pm SHORE FISHING Last night it was the Dutch angler Guus Kok, who caught on one of our Shore Fishing excursions a good... read more »

Puerto Rico 22 November 6.00 pm<br>ANGELSHARKS<br><br>Also today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 22 November 6.00 pm

Also today

22 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 22 November 6.00 pmANGELSHARKSAlso today there were caught different Angelsharks. The heaviest one was caught this morning on the Blue... read more »

Puerto Rico 21 November 4.30 pm<br>WINDY<br><br>Because of the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 21 November 4.30 pm

Because of the

21 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 21 November 4.30 pmWINDYBecause of the hard wind, the catches on the Blue Marlin 3, were yesterday morning very bad.On the afternoon trip... read more »

Puerto Rico 20 November 6.00 pm<br>STRIPED REMORA<br><br>Today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 20 November 6.00 pm


20 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 20 November 6.00 pmSTRIPED REMORAToday it was only the boat Cavalier which had very good catches.Because it was very windy today, the... read more »

Puerto Rico 19 November 8.00 pm<br>GAR FISHES<br><br>Today there - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 19 November 8.00 pm

Today there

19 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 19 November 8.00 pmGAR FISHESToday there were on all the boats good catches of Gar Fish.On the Blue Marlin 3 there were caught by the... read more »

Puerto Rico 17 November 8.00 pm<br>HAPPY BIRTHDAY<br><br>The - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 17 November 8.00 pm


17 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 17 November 8.00 pmHAPPY BIRTHDAYThe Blue Marlin 3 had fished two trips today, but on both the catches were very quiet.The anglers caught... read more »

Puerto Rico 16 November 8.00 pm<br>COMBER FISH<br><br>Also today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 16 November 8.00 pm

Also today

16 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 16 November 8.00 pmCOMBER FISHAlso today I can tell you that all 4 boats had great catches.Starting with the Blue Marlin 3, which boat... read more »

Puerto Rico 15 November 5.00 pmNICE CATCHESAll 4 boats - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 15 November 5.00 pmNICE CATCHESAll 4 boats

15 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 15 November 5.00 pmNICE CATCHESAll 4 boats had good catches today.On the Blue Marlin 3 there were caught some big Rays. Jimmi Jensen from... read more »

Puerto Rico 14 November 7.30 pmBARACUDA`SThe White - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 14 November 7.30 pmBARACUDA`SThe White

14 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 14 November 7.30 pmBARACUDA`SThe White Marlin was chartered last night till 8.00 am this morning. There were caught 15 good sized... read more »

Puerto Rico 13 November 10.00 pmDORADOIt was today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 13 November 10.00 pmDORADOIt was today

13 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 13 November 10.00 pmDORADOIt was today the crew of the White Marlin who showed us that there is still fish to catch with the trolling... read more »

Puerto Rico 12 November 5.00 pmQUIET STARTYesterday - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 12 November 5.00 pmQUIET STARTYesterday

12 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 12 November 5.00 pmQUIET STARTYesterday the crew of our boats had their day off, today It seemed the fish had their day off.I received... read more »

Puerto Rico 11 November 10.30 amCARPFISHING From Dave, - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 11 November 10.30 amCARPFISHING From Dave,

11 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 11 November 10.30 amCARPFISHING From Dave, the guide of CANARY ISLAND CARP FISHING TOURS, I received last night the latest catch... read more »

Puerto Rico 10 November 10.00 pm10 SPECIESThe boats - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 10 November 10.00 pm10 SPECIESThe boats

10 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 10 November 10.00 pm10 SPECIESThe boats caught today more than 10 diffrent species.Only on the boat White Marlin there were still 7... read more »

Puerto Rico 9 November 7.00 pmBIG MORAY EELSThe crew - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 9 November 7.00 pmBIG MORAY EELSThe crew

9 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 9 November 7.00 pmBIG MORAY EELSThe crew of the White Marlin went today fishing on the deeper reef on a depth of 120 meters.They caught... read more »

Puerto Rico 8 November 9.30 uurSUNNY AND MANY FISHCalm - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 8 November 9.30 uurSUNNY AND MANY FISHCalm

8 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 8 November 9.30 uurSUNNY AND MANY FISHCalm and Sunny weather with lots of fish.Yesterday and today there were again different catches of... read more »

Puerto Rico 6 November 6.30 pmANGELSHARKSToday there - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 6 November 6.30 pmANGELSHARKSToday there

6 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 6 November 6.30 pmANGELSHARKSToday there were caught 5 Angelsharks/Monkfish on two boats.The Angelshark is not really a strong fighter,... read more »

Puerto Rico 5 November 7.00 pmGIANT RAYSTwo of our - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 5 November 7.00 pmGIANT RAYSTwo of our

5 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 5 November 7.00 pmGIANT RAYSTwo of our boats left this morning the harbour of Puerto Rico and both caught giant rays.Aboard the Blue... read more »

Puerto Rico 4 November 7.00 pmJIGGINGThe last days - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 4 November 7.00 pmJIGGINGThe last days

4 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 4 November 7.00 pmJIGGINGThe last days the catches were still okay.On both boats, Cavalier and Blue Marlin 3, there were caught some good... read more »

Puerto Rico 1 November 7.00 pmPASITO BLANCO REEFThe - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 1 November 7.00 pmPASITO BLANCO REEFThe

1 November 2007 - Puerto Rico 1 November 7.00 pmPASITO BLANCO REEFThe boats Cavalier and Blue Marlin 3 were yesterday and today both fishing on the reef of Pasito... read more »

Puerto Rico 30 October 8.30 pmNOT MANY BUT BIG RAYSYesterday - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico 30 October 8.30 pmNOT MANY BUT BIG RAYSYesterday

30 October 2007 - Puerto Rico 30 October 8.30 pmNOT MANY BUT BIG RAYSYesterday and today the boats caught not many but again very big Rays.On the Cavalier the clients... read more »

07/01 - AMBERJACKS!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

07/01 - AMBERJACKS!!

7 January 2025 - Great day jigging today onboard the Cavalier! Big amberjacks have been caught on both trips while jigging!! For jigging small groups are needed, maximum 4 people, perfect for private... read more »

05/01 - NICE START OF THE YEAR!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria


5 January 2025 - Some good action the first week of the year by catching skipjack tuna, barracuda’s and breamfish with light material! Visit our Hall of Fame to see the latest catches. And our Facebook site:... read more »

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