Fishing News Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.30 o`clockBLUE MARLIN RELEASEDNot - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.30 o`clockBLUE MARLIN RELEASEDNot

15 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.30 o`clockBLUE MARLIN RELEASEDNot every day the fishing is the sameThe last days it was quiet, today again a day with lots of... read more »

Puerto Rico - 00.30 uurQUIETSome good sized dorado's

15 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 00.30 uurQUIETSome good sized dorado's and some skipjack tuna were the catches from the last two days.Yesterday, 14/07, we had also a... read more »

Puerto Rico - 16.30 o`clockGRANDSONAs proud as a blue - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 16.30 o`clockGRANDSONAs proud as a blue

13 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 16.30 o`clockGRANDSONAs proud as a blue marlin which is tagged and released after a good fight, so proud are we today with the birth... read more »

Puerto Rico - 22.00 o`clockSKIPJACK TUNAFor all three - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 22.00 o`clockSKIPJACK TUNAFor all three

12 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 22.00 o`clockSKIPJACK TUNAFor all three fishing boats it was today a quiet day.Only the sportfishermen David Bargh and his friend... read more »

Puerto Rico - 23.30 o`clock2 SPEAR-FISHESIt was today, - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 23.30 o`clock2 SPEAR-FISHESIt was today,

12 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 23.30 o`clock2 SPEAR-FISHESIt was today, on the 11th of July, the boat White Marlin who fished a very succesful trip.The boat was... read more »

Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockDORADOThe White Marlin went - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockDORADOThe White Marlin went

10 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockDORADOThe White Marlin went out this morning to do some bottom fishing. The fishermen caught some good sized butterfly... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockTAGGED & RELEASEDYesterday - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockTAGGED & RELEASEDYesterday

9 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockTAGGED & RELEASEDYesterday we lost one on the afternoon trip, today we hooked up again.Our `happy hooker` was John... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

9 July 2007 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockBLUE LOSTBad Luck, on the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockBLUE LOSTBad Luck, on the

8 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockBLUE LOSTBad Luck, on the afternoontrip on board of the Blue Marlin 3.They hooked up at 18.00 o`clock a blue marlin. The... read more »

Puerto Rico - 23.30 o`clockNICE FISHToday, the 7th - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 23.30 o`clockNICE FISHToday, the 7th

8 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 23.30 o`clockNICE FISHToday, the 7th of July, we have not really a lot of activity on our first fishingtrip.The Blue Marlin 3 left... read more »

Puerto Rico - 18.30 o`clockMORE DORADO`SNot one of - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 18.30 o`clockMORE DORADO`SNot one of

6 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 18.30 o`clockMORE DORADO`SNot one of the boats had today a contact with a blue marlin.The most of them had activity from nice and big... read more »

Puerto Rico - 19.00 o`clockWHITE MARLINA nice hook-up,

5 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 19.00 o`clockWHITE MARLINA nice hook-up, a run from about 40 meters and some nice salto's.It happens this morning on the Cavalier,... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockDORADOWe have not seen the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockDORADOWe have not seen the

4 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockDORADOWe have not seen the blue marlin today.The boats caught some skipjack tuna and one... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockONE MINUTEThree boats were - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockONE MINUTEThree boats were

3 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockONE MINUTEThree boats were trolling today, with only one minute of action.This `one` minute of action happens today on... read more »

Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockDOUBLE HOOK-UPA double hook-up - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockDOUBLE HOOK-UPA double hook-up

2 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 21.15 o`clockDOUBLE HOOK-UPA double hook-up from 2 blue marlins.It happens on the second trip today on the boat Blue Marlin 3.Bad... read more »

Puerto Rico - 18.45 o`clockBLUE ON THE BLUEToday it - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 18.45 o`clockBLUE ON THE BLUEToday it

2 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 18.45 o`clockBLUE ON THE BLUEToday it was again the boat Blue Marlin 3 who tagged and released a nice blue marlin.The hook-up was... read more »

Puerto Rico - 15.00 o`clockLA GOMERALast night I have

1 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 15.00 o`clockLA GOMERALast night I have received a message, that the boat Dorado, coming also from Puerto Rico, has won the 1st Prize... read more »

Puerto Rico - 11.00 o`clockSHORE FISHINGGran Canaria - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 11.00 o`clockSHORE FISHINGGran Canaria

1 July 2007 - Puerto Rico - 11.00 o`clockSHORE FISHINGGran Canaria has a coastline of 236 kilometres.60 kilometres of this coastline is sandy beaches. More or... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

1 July 2007 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico - 18.00 o`clock BLUE MARLIN 240 LBSToday, - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 18.00 o`clock BLUE MARLIN 240 LBSToday,

30 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 18.00 o`clock BLUE MARLIN 240 LBSToday, it was the Cavalier who caught a blue marlin.It was the German sportfisher Werner who caught... read more »

Gran Canaria fishing news - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria fishing news

30 June 2007 - ... read more »

Puerto Rico - 00.10 o`clockCARP FISHING NEWSHi, back - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 00.10 o`clockCARP FISHING NEWSHi, back

30 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 00.10 o`clockCARP FISHING NEWSHi, back again for the latest update, we had a crazy session with 4 rods.Three runs at the same time... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clock2 BLUE MARLINS LOSTOn the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clock2 BLUE MARLINS LOSTOn the

29 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clock2 BLUE MARLINS LOSTOn the Blue Marlin 3 and so also on the Cavalier was lost today a blue marlin.The hook ups from the... read more »

Puerto Rico - 23.00 o`clockDORADO AGAINAlso today, - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 23.00 o`clockDORADO AGAINAlso today,

29 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 23.00 o`clockDORADO AGAINAlso today, 28/06, it were only the dorado's which showed some activity.There were also by the remaining... read more »

Puerto Rico - 19.45 o`clockDORADOAll boats were trolling - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 19.45 o`clockDORADOAll boats were trolling

27 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 19.45 o`clockDORADOAll boats were trolling today. The catches were bad.The boat Cavalier caught some skipjack tuna.On the White... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockLESS THEN 10 MINUTESThis - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockLESS THEN 10 MINUTESThis

27 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockLESS THEN 10 MINUTESThis morning at 12.00 p.m, aboard the Cavalier, an english sportfisher caught in less then 10 minutes... read more »

Puerto Rico - 12.15 uurTAGGED & RELEASEDOnly 5 minutes

27 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 12.15 uurTAGGED & RELEASEDOnly 5 minutes ago I received a message from the boat Cavalier that the crew tagged and released a blue... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockBLUE MARLIN RELEASEDIt was - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockBLUE MARLIN RELEASEDIt was

25 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.15 o`clockBLUE MARLIN RELEASEDIt was today the Blue Marlin 3 which boat have done it again.At 9.45 a.m the first hook up was still... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.00 o`clockDORADOToday again a lot - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.00 o`clockDORADOToday again a lot

24 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.00 o`clockDORADOToday again a lot of action. It all happens on the boat White Marlin.After a fight, which took more than one hour,... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.30 o`clock.TAG & RELEASEBlue Marlin - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.30 o`clock.TAG & RELEASEBlue Marlin

23 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.30 o`clock.TAG & RELEASEBlue Marlin 3 have done it again. Today the crew tagged & released another blue marlin with a... read more »

Puerto Rico - 11.30 o`clockBLUE MARLIN RELEASEDI have

23 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 11.30 o`clockBLUE MARLIN RELEASEDI have just received a phonecall from the Blue Marlin 3 that they have tagged and released a blue... read more »

Puerto Rico - 22.00 uurBLUE MARLIN 485 LBSYesterday - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 22.00 uurBLUE MARLIN 485 LBSYesterday

23 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 22.00 uurBLUE MARLIN 485 LBSYesterday we had a quiet fishing day, today the fish was back again.On all three the boats the catches were... read more »

Puerto Rico - 19.00 uurPLENTY OF ACTIONToday some fishing - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 19.00 uurPLENTY OF ACTIONToday some fishing

23 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 19.00 uurPLENTY OF ACTIONToday some fishing trips with plenty of action.The boat White Marlin had chosen today for the bottom fishing... read more »

Puerto rico - 22.000 uurQUIET DAYToday it was for all - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto rico - 22.000 uurQUIET DAYToday it was for all

21 June 2007 - Puerto rico - 22.000 uurQUIET DAYToday it was for all the sport fishing boats a quiet fishing day.It was the crew from the Cavalier who saw this... read more »

Puerto Rico - 14.00 o`clockRECTIFICATIONIn our Latest - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 14.00 o`clockRECTIFICATIONIn our Latest

21 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 14.00 o`clockRECTIFICATIONIn our Latest News from the 19th I informed you about a new boat record for the fish Dorado, with a weight... read more »

Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockNEW BOAT RECORD Today, the - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockNEW BOAT RECORD Today, the

19 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 17.45 o`clockNEW BOAT RECORD Today, the boats White Marlin and Blue Marlin 3 were both successful with the trolling.Both caught some... read more »

Puerto Rico - 19.30 o`clockTROLLINGAll three boats

18 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 19.30 o`clockTROLLINGAll three boats were trolling today.It was the boat Cavalier who hooked up this morning a blue marlin. After a 20... read more »

Puerto Rico - 00.05 o`clockREEF FISHINGYesterday, we

18 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 00.05 o`clockREEF FISHINGYesterday, we didn't caught any fish with the trolling.On the afternoon trip we fished on the reef. Here we... read more »

Puerto Rico - 18.30 o`clockBad luck today for the sport - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 18.30 o`clockBad luck today for the sport

15 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 18.30 o`clockBad luck today for the sport fishermen on the Blue Marlin 3. At 11.00 a.m they hooked up a blue marlin, but after a run... read more »

Puerto Rico - 18.30 hrsTOPE & SMOOTHHOUNDSIt was today - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Puerto Rico - 18.30 hrsTOPE & SMOOTHHOUNDSIt was today

14 June 2007 - Puerto Rico - 18.30 hrsTOPE & SMOOTHHOUNDSIt was today the boat White Marlin who was bottom fishing. Afterwards not a bad decision, because the... read more »

23/11 - JIGGING!!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

23/11 - JIGGING!!!

23 November 2024 - Good day jigging on a very smooth ocean yesterday. Big amberjacks have been caught by our regular fisherman Klaas Westerhof from the Netherlands. Congratulations to fisherman and team... read more »

20/11 - HAPPY FACES!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

20/11 - HAPPY FACES!!

20 November 2024 - Some nice catches on the family charter this afternoon onboard the Cavalier by family Wexels from Norway!! They’ve caught several Triggerfish while fishing on the reef! Happy faces!! Visit our... read more »

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