With the catch of two more angelsharks today , the

With the catch of two more angelsharks today , the

With the catch of two more angelsharks today , the Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Written by:
, 15 May 2007

With the catch of two more angelsharks today , the month May has been now the best month ever to catch this fish.
The last years the avarage catch was about 4 till 7 species a month. The best months were January - April.

Only in the first two weeks of May 2007 the Blue Marlin 3 caught still 19 angelsharks.

Our Photo of the Day is for Mark and Frank Hurrelbrinck, with a nice common stingray.
Peter Zeestraten caught today the both angelsharks and Aart van de Bovenkamp caught a roughtail stingray.

Congratulations again to all these sportfisher


More information on: http://www.bluemarlin3.com/info/info-fishcalender.php

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